We are active in community beautification initiatives and sharing our love of gardening through educational programs and community events.
Meetings are the second Monday of the month at the First Congregational Church with social time beginning at 12:30 pm and the business meeting at 1:00. A speaker follows the meeting.
Our Mission
Our purpose is to educate and to beautify.
Who We Are
The South Haven Garden Club was first organized in 1930 by a group of like-minded plant enthusiasts who were members of the Scott Club. The club joined the Federated Garden Clubs of Michigan, Inc. and the National State Council of State Garden Clubs (now the National Garden Clubs) in 1933. There were 40 members in the club at that time.
The object of this club was to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening among amateurs; to aid in the protection of native trees, plants and birds; and to encourage civic planting. Through the years the club members have been involved in community beautification and service projects throughout the city.
Today, the South Haven Garden Club has 126 members and holds many annual events to support our mission. We bestow college scholarships each year to students entering the horticulture field. The club participates in many community beautification projects and maintains memberships with the South Haven Area Chamber of Commerce and the Historical Association of South Haven.
It is easy to join us. Sign up in person at a meeting or pay your membership online.
In October 2021, the club was awarded a certificate by the Michigan Garden Club for 90 years of continuing community support.
Pictured from the left are Michele Armstrong, former District 3 Director; Diane Wilberding, SHGC Past President; Monica Taylor, Michigan Garden Club, President.

What We Do
We enjoy making new friends, exchanging ideas with plant-loving people and learning from horticultural and environmental speakers. We host an annual Garden Walk and Craft Boutique, hold the Holiday Boutique and Greens Sale, arrange weekly Hospice Flowers and maintain the Blue Star Memorial Garden, Library Reading Garden and LH Bailey Bench Garden. Our club sponsors college scholarships and supports a variety of environmental and community projects.
Come join us for fun, friendship and flowers!

2024 College Scholarship Recipients​
Henry First, attending MSU
Bradley Wildley, attending MSU
Dominic DeHoyos, attending Lake Superior State University
Abigail King, attending Hope College
Congratulations to our scholarship recipients!

“I wish to inform the members of the South Haven Garden Club how much I appreciate the attention paid to the appearance of the small garden which surrounds the Blue Star Memorial Highway marker on the west side of the Blue Star Highway (County Road A2), north of the Phoenix Road/Blue Star Highway traffic light.
The marker in South Haven is the best maintained marker in Michigan due to the efforts of your garden club.
You are to be congratulated for your beautification efforts. They are appreciated by those of us who drive on the Blue Star highway.”
John Geisler, EdD. Professor Emeritus
Western Michigan University
Meeting Moments
In keeping with our mission to educate and beautify, donations are a welcome addition to our fundraisers. This allows us to plan ahead and pledge support for our various projects such as the Budding Naturalist summer program for youth at the Liberty Hyde Bailey Museum and for the upkeep of the many gardens that beautify our lovely community. Some of the highly visible gardens are the Blue Star Memorial, Lincoln Elementary Pollinator Garden, South Haven Memorial Library and the National Federated Garden Bench and Lily Gardens at the Liberty Hyde Bailey Museum.
Donations also help fund the weekly Flower Therapy Program that provides beautiful flowers to hospice patients.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, therefore your donation may be tax deductible.